My background

A Little Bit About Me...

young woman with brown hair in a black and white striped dress standing in front of a brick wall

Creative and Professional Writing

Currently, I am a Creative Writing major and Professional Writing minor. When I first started college, I thought I wanted to pursue a career in education, teaching high school English and History. After my first semester, I just couldn’t see myself staying passionate about teaching day in and day out. So I went back to my original plan, the one I knew I was meant to do–creative writing. I am in my senior year and I have not looked back. I graduated with my AA in English at Spoon River College in 2022. I then transferred to Western Illinois University to get my BA in Creative Writing. While here, I have developed a love for the world of professional writing as well, so I decided to make that my minor. In May, I will graduate and I plan on moving out of Illinois and pursuing a career in editing and publishing.

My Hobbies and Interests

Besides writing, some interests and hobbies I have include music; I love playing piano, singing, and listening to bands like The Lumineers and Glass Animals, and artists such as Ed Sheeran and Lewis Capaldi. I have a huge passion for traveling. I grew up in Uganda doing mission work with my family, so I have the natural tendency to be adventurous and go outside of my comfort zone. Some of my favorite places I’ve been besides Uganda are Kenya, England, Dubai, and Amsterdam. I also love baking and all things sweet. Most importantly, I love spending time with my fiance, my family, and my friends.

What's Next?

After I graduate in May, I’m getting married! After our honeymoon in Greece, we plan on moving to a different state so that he can pursue flight school and become a commercial pilot. As I said above, I am looking to go into the publishing world, preferably for an editing or writing position. Eventually, I would love to write full-time. I would also like to pursue my MA and possibly my PhD in Creative Writing, so that I can teach at the university level. But for now, I want to enjoy newlywed life after college and go without school for a few years.

Recent Blog Posts

La Comida en la Dominicana

Cultural impacts of Dominican food.

Hakuna Matata

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Cooking in Crete

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